The majority of citizens identify as Montenegrins, making up 41.12% (256,436 people) of the population, followed by Serbs at 32.93% (205,370). Meanwhile, Bosniaks account for 9.45%, and smaller groups include Albanians (4.97%) and Russians (2.06%).
A notable 2.88% of citizens chose not to disclose their nationality. Montenegro’s total population now stands at 623,633, with an additional 44,017 Montenegrin citizens living abroad for work, study, or other reasons.
Comparing the latest figures with the 2011 census, Montenegro has seen a drop in the number of people identifying as Montenegrins, while the Serbian population has grown. The number of Bosniaks has also increased, while the Russian population has surged significantly.
When it comes to language, Serbian remains the most spoken language (43.18%), followed by Montenegrin (34.52%). However, the number of Montenegrin speakers has declined, while those speaking Serbian have increased slightly since the last census.