The Government of Montenegro is strongly committed to advancing the green transition, developing policies and programmes, as well as enhancing administrative capacities for the implementation of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans
Montenegro is fully committed to implementing the Western Balkan Growth Plan, which interlinks with sustainable development, innovation and inclusive economic policies, says Montenegrin Deputy Prime Minister of Economic Policy and Minister of Economic Development Nik Gjeloshaj, speaking in this interview.
The Government of Montenegro, as an active stakeholder in these processes, is strongly determined to ensure that its future economic development is fair and based on sustainable development, innovation and inclusive economic growth, confirms our interlocutor.
In which areas does your country excel in terms of green transition and sustainable energy solutions?
― When it comes to energy and energy efficiency, the government’s reforms aim to continue the implementation of measures resulting from the EU’s Third Energy Package and Clean Energy Package in the electricity and gas sectors.
Government measures aim to intensify activities on the creation of an environment favourable to reducing the use of fossil fuels in the transport sector, especially through the improvement of public transport and the promotion of e-mobility.
We will focus on enhancing energy efficiency and increasing the use of renewable sources in order to achieve sustainable development, with highly developed agriculture and tourism, but also more synergy between these sectors. We will encourage the introduction of circular economy principles that integrate the economy and the waste management system.
With the aim of creating conditions for accelerated economic development and further strengthening the Montenegrin economy’s resilience in the face of global challenges, the Ministry of Economic Development has created the National Strategy of Circular Transition until 2030, together with the accompanying Action Plan for the 2023- 2024 period.
We strive for sustainable development through improved energy efficiency and renewable energy, as well as enhanced synergy between agriculture and tourism
It is important to emphasise that Montenegro remains one of only around 30 countries worldwide to have such an important policy in place, while it is the only country in the region with such a policy.
This Strategy provides the basis and infrastructure for the economy’s future development and supports the advancement of the country’s investment climate, guided by the principles of economic, social and ecological sustainability.
The Ministry of Economic Development launched the implementation of the Programme for Stimulating Innovative Energy Efficiency Measures in Industry in 2023, working in cooperation with the Ministry of Energy and Mining and the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation. This programme resulted from the need to establish the necessary synergy of industrial, innovation and energy policies with smart specialisation priorities. It aims to establish a financial mechanism for improving the operations of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the manufacturing industry by introducing innovative solutions and new technologies that will lead to improved energy efficiency, the establishment of an energy management system and an increase in the use of available renewable energy sources.

Diversifying the production sector on the basis of digital transformation will be a prerequisite for our further economic development. We will push efforts to improve the business environment by developing a more diversified set of financial support mechanisms to be offered to MSMEs and will work on strengthening business sector competitiveness.
Where do you identify the most significant need for cooperation with Western Balkan partners in achieving the goals of the EU’s Green Agenda for the Western Balkans?
― The Government of Montenegro has expressed its strong commitment to the further process of green transition and has started to develop policies and programmes, and to take the necessary actions to increase administrative capacities for implementation of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans. Successfully transitioning to a green economy could help us meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the targets of the Paris Climate Agreement, thereby contributing to the European Green Deal’s aspiration to achieve carbon neutrality across the continent by 2050.
As a member of numerous regional initiatives, and through bilateral and multilateral initiatives and actions, projects and activities, Montenegro has set a clear vision and resolve to achieve long-term regional cooperation with its Western Balkan partners.
The Government of Montenegro is fully committed to implementing the Western Balkan Growth Plan, which focuses on sustainable development, innovation and inclusive economic policies.
Initiatives aimed at strengthening cooperation, building capacities and encouraging exchanges of knowledge are crucial to the strengthening and empowering of all Western Balkan economies.
Furthermore, our cooperation, persistence and commitment to sustainable growth could provide an opportunity to expedite our integration into the European Single Market.
Transitioning to a green economy could help us meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the targets of the Paris Climate Agreement, helping to achieve carbon neutrality across Europe by 2050
Our cooperation, persistence and commitment to sustainable growth could provide an opportunity to expedite our integration into the European Single Market
We are dedicated to creating an environment conducive to establishing the necessary synergy of industrial, innovation and energy policies with smart specialisation priorities.