Halim Zukić, a businessman from the town of Visoko, embarked on this ambitious project after purchasing land and a cottage in a nearby village over two decades ago.
Initially unsure of what to do with the property, Zukić found inspiration six years ago while standing on a hill, watching tractors leave spiral tracks in the hay fields below. The swirling patterns reminded him of the turbulent brushstrokes in Van Gogh’s 1889 masterpiece.
The journey from vision to reality was a demanding one, requiring significant time, money, and effort. Zukić envisioned the Starry Night park as part of a larger complex, offering a sanctuary for visitors. Over the years, he planted additional trees and created 13 lakes by harnessing the area’s natural watercourses.
These plants are arranged in vibrant circles, spirals, and natural amphitheaters that mirror the dynamic movement of Van Gogh’s original artwork
In keeping with the spirit of the painting, the park features 130,000 lavender bushes in six different shades, alongside other medicinal and aromatic plants such as sage, echinacea, wormwood, and chamomile
Zukić personally oversaw every detail of the park’s design and development. Reflecting on the experience, he noted that recreating the painting had deepened his understanding of artists and the creative challenges they face.
“This is the largest representation of Starry Night and the culmination of 20 years of dreaming and living those dreams until they came true,” Zukić said.