A renowned Chinese company, specializing in mineral resource exploitation, has recently expressed interest in acquiring the Berane coal mine in Montenegro. Nikola Šćekić, the director of the coal mine, confirmed that representatives from the Chinese company visited Berane, hinting at the possibility of a new owner for the “Petnjik” mine.
“We did have a meeting with representatives from the Chinese company who came to assess the potential purchase of our mine. Although nothing concrete was agreed upon during the meeting, it is a reputable firm that has shown serious interest in our mine. I hope that fruitful solutions will be reached in further discussions,” stated Šćekić.
Aleksandar Stijović, an advisor to the President of Montenegro, also attended the meeting with representatives of the Chinese company, which has already acquired several mines in Serbia. Stijović unofficially expressed confidence that the sale of the Berane mine is likely.